Dualities of the Hungarian credit institute activities

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Kovács, Sándor Zsolt
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The centre-periphery relation is a dual model (Nemes Nagy, 1998), several meanings of which can be defined, like locational, development or social dualism. This paper is meant to analyse one example of the manifestation of development – in other words: economic – dualism: this is the spatial realisation of access or exclusion that can be experienced in case of credit institute activities. An important starting point for the issue is the business philosophy and operational distinction of Hungarian actors in the credit institute market (a segment of the representatives of global commercial banks and locally embedded savings cooperatives), and the analysis of the geographical range of their activities (Kovács, 2014a; 2017), and also the survey of their relationship to developed centre regions and lagging peripheral areas. I analysed this questions with the functional distance indicator, which is a relatively new approach of the financial proximity in the evaluations of the Hungarian banking sector. This indicator uses some social, economic and physical data for the explanation of dualities between commercial and cooperative banks.
centrum-periféria modell , hitelintézetek , bankhálózat , bankrendszer , bankföldrajz , dualitás
DETUROPE: The Central European Journal of Regional Development and Tourism 10:(3) pp. 108-119. (2018)