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Recent Submissions

Sustainable rural renaissance. The case of a biorefinery
(Institute for Regional Studies, Centre for Economic and Regional Studies, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, 2016) Koós, Bálint; Király, Gábor; Hamar, Anna; Németh, Krisztina
Regional inflation rate differentials: potential causes, and evidences from the euro area and Hungary
(Slovak Academy of Sciences, 2010) Zsibók, Zsuzsanna; Workie, Tiruneh M; Radvansky, M
The focus of our research is on the spatial heterogeneities in the observed inflation rates within a currency union. We examine what are the characteristics of the regional monetary heterogeneities across the euro zone countries and across the Hungarian regions. Our study provides a detailed description of the potential factors that cause divergent inflation rates within a currency union. Then, we present the empirical results from the literature concerning the underlying reasons for the observed inflation differentials between the euro zone countries. In Hungary significant regional inflation heterogeneities were reported in empirical works, therefore we try to assess the possible reasons behind these differentials and compare our results to those observed in the euro area. The basis of our analysis is a disaggregated data set which contains store-level price quotes at a monthly frequency. This data set is complemented by other relevant macroeconomic variables measured at the county-level.
Does István Bibó’s concept of the „Misery of Small States” carry a message for the Western Balkans today?
(2024) Hajdú, Zoltán; Rácz, Szilárd
István Bibó (1911-1979), a lawyer and doctor of political science by profession, became a prominent Hungarian political theorist from the late 1930s. He joined the left-wing populist party and became an expert on constitutional affairs for the National Peasant Party. He obtained professorship at a young age and was elected correspond-ing member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences in 1946. The hereby analyzed work – foregrounded by years of preliminary research – was published in large numbers shortly after the end of World War 2 (1946). Drawing on extensive international theo-retical and historical knowledge, Bibó analyzed the long-term evolution of historical processes in Central-East Europe (addressing the two regions separately and togeth-er), concluding that disruptions in the neighbourhood context, internal conflicts and divisions have been the major factors behind the repeated failures, the „misery” of the small states of the region (Czechia/Czechoslovakia, Poland, Hungary). Despite not being a „Balkan scholar”, Bibó was well acquainted with the advances of interna-tional and particularly Hungarian research, with an outlook to state-building processes in the Balkans and providing particular insights on the states in question. Bibó became notorious for his involvement, his ethical, principled stance demonstrated during the 1956 revolution but his scientific contributions were recognized only after his death with the publication of his works in foreign languages. Bibó’s state and political theoretical approaches and his insights on ethical peace may have particular relevance for the Western Balkans today. A series of unresolved internal issues within the region can create legitimate grounds for external intervention even in present-day circumstances.
Autonómia sokféle köntösben. A kelet-közép-európai decentralista pártok területi törekvései
(2023) Baranyai, Nóra
A tanulmány egy, a nyugat-európai etnoregionális pártokra kidolgozott modell adaptációjának kísérletén alapul. Az etnoregionális pártok olyan politikai szervezetek, amelyek egy adott földrajzi területen koncentráltan élő kisebbség, etnikai közösség érdekeinek képviseletére alakultak,követeléseik pedig a politikai rendszer hatalmi struktúrájának átszervezésére, a régió számára bizonyos fokú önkormányzat elnyerésére irányulnak. A tanulmányt megalapozó kutatás a kelet-közép-európai etnoregionális pártok alapdokumentumainak (alapszabályok és programok) elemzésén keresztül azonosította a szervezetek törekvéseit, s ezek alapján sorolta be őket az adaptált modell térségi sajátosságainak megfeleltethető típusaiba. Jelen elemzés a tipológia általános ismertetésén túl részletesen, példákkal alátámasztva tárgyalja az ún. decentralista, azaza területi önállóság megteremtését, szélesítését célzó pártok csoportjait. A tanulmány fő megállapítása az, amit már az írás címe is sejtet: a decentralista pártok valamennyi altípusa számára a cél gyakorlatilag ugyanaz, a lehető legszélesebb, fiskális elemeket is magában hordozó területi autonómia elérése.
Le professionnalisme en politique : Quelle signification, quelle dynamique ?
(Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, 2021) Hatem; Mrad, Hatem (szerk.)