Shock propagation channels behind the global economic contagion network. The role of economic sectors and the direction of trade
Iloskics, Zita
Sebestyén, Tamás
Braun, Erik
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Examining the spread of macroeconomic phenomena between countries has become increasingly popular after the 2008 economic crisis, but the recent COVID-19 pandemic rendered this issue much more relevant as it shed more light on the risks arising from strongly interconnected economies. This paper intends to extend previous studies in this line by examining the relationship between trade openness and business cycle synchronization. It extends the scope of previous analyses in three areas. First, we use a Granger-causality approach to identify synchronization. Second, trade is broken down to the sector level and third, we distinguish between upstream and downstream connections. These developments allow for a directed approach in the analysis. We use conditional logit regressions to estimate the effect of trade openness on the probability of shock-transmission. The results presented in this study contribute to the literature in two ways. First, in addition to revealing a positive effect of aggregate two-way trade on shock-contagion, it also points out that this overall effect hides diverse behavior in specific trading sectors as well as upstream and downstream channels. Second, while some sectors are not significant channels of shock-transmission in either directions, upstream channels seem to be important in agriculture while downstream channels dominate machinery and other manufactures. Also, there are sectors (chemicals and related products) trade in which affects shock-transmission negatively.
COVID-19 járvány , sokk terjedés , globális gazdaság
Plos One 16:(10) Paper: e0258309, 26 p. (2021)