A budapesti közösségi szállásadás vizsgálata térinformatikai módszerekkel

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Dudás, Gábor
Pál, Viktor
Boros, Lajos
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Debreceni Egyetemi Kiadó
In this paper we study room rates offered by Airbnb – a sharing economy pioneer offering short term accommodation – and hotels and compare the results using thematic maps. We seek to understand how the proliferation of Airbnb is shaping hotel room rates in district 5 and 8 in Budapest. The aim of the research is to visualize the spatiality and density of Airbnb in the two districts for a specified time period and compare hotel room rates with Airbnb rates considering the different business models. Our study was based on quantitative research methods. We performed an internet data query using automated data mining methods and applied GIS based mapping method to visualize the spatiality of the sharing economy in Budapest to reveal differences in room rates at the selected study areas.
szállásadás - Budapest , GIS , közösségi gazdaság , Airbnb
Balázs Boglárka (szerk.) Az elmélet és a gyakorlat találkozása a térinformatikában VII. = Theory meets practice in GIS. Konferencia helye, ideje: Debrecen, Magyarország, 2016.05.26-2016.05.27. Debrecen: Debreceni Egyetemi Kiadó, 2016. pp. 99-106. (ISBN:978-963-318-570-4)