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    Economic growth paths similarities in European Union
    (2014) Rechnitzer, János; Tóth, Tamás
    This study is to give an insight into the regional growth theories and explore the single growth paths of the member states of the European Union based on an extraction statistical methodological analysis. According to the judgment that the European Community (28 states, since 2013) does not follow a single growth pattern, based on their history and actual economic relationships, different national economies form economic blocs and these blocs follow diverse growth patterns within the Union. At the first step we tried to discover the mainstream of modern economic growth theories, and found some relationship between these theories and the empirical analyses. In the empirical part of this study we identified different growth paths and classified growth groups for the 28 EU member countries with a cluster analysis. At the final step we applied regression method to find some correlation between historical growth rate and current nominal GDP level.
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    With renewables for energy security
    (2015) Honvári, Patrícia; Hauber, György
    Taking into account the possible future exhaustion of fossil energy sources, the actual and near danger of climate change, the drastic increase of the greenhouse gases in the last 200 years, as well as the growing need for sustainable development, consumption and liveable environment, the increasing necessity of renewable energy sources becomes clear. Utilization of these energy sources have to acquire a bigger role in the field of energy supply, in order to enhance the energy security of Hungary, to decline the energy import dependence, to reduce the negative environmental impacts, and to recover the economy. The world’s hunger for energy is growing exponentially; this is why it is crucial to establish feasibility scenarios in the next decades, which are able to meet these expectations, and to increase the safety of the energy supply.