Feminist interventions: Central and Eastern Europe
Timár, Judit
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John Wiley and Sons
Feminist perspectives were introduced into urban and regional studies in Central and Eastern Europe only after the fall of state socialism and seem to be taking a long time to become widespread in the region. Mapping gendered space was a typical means of introduction in a number of countries. Analyses of new social roles that evolved, as well as spatial processes such as suburbanization that emerged and gathered momentum in the postsocialist era, were other common types of “early” research with a gender perspective. Researchers, mainly of a younger generation, have been addressing issues like urban spaces and representations of the body, homosexuality, heteronormativity, or fear since the 2000s. The number of studies presenting the gendered nature of space and society as a matter‐of‐course phenomenon is on the rise.
feminista földrajz , feminizmus , gender , poszt-szocialista földrajz , poszt-szocializmus , Közép-Európa , Kelet-Európa
Orum, Anthony M (szerk.) The Wiley Blackwell Encyclopedia of Urban and Regional Studies. New York - Oxford : John Wiley and Sons, Ltd., 2019 pp. 591-596.