A telemedicina térre és távolságra gyakorolt hatásai és következményei - esettanulmány a telekardiológia szerepéről

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Bán, Attila
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Methods of telemedicine are becoming more and more widespread because they increase the accessibility and availability of medical services in healthcare. Taking such factors into account, in this study I address the following main research questions: What are the effects of telemedicine on space and distance? Connected to this what kind of health benefits produces by one field of telemedicine: the telecardiology? In order to answer the research questions, I analyzed the academic literature and made semi-structured interviews with 63 interviewees (specialists,general practitioners, IT specialists and healthcare managers). Considering the results of the interviews, the independence from geographical location and the overcoming of physical distance linked to info-communication technologies do also apply to telemedicine. This, in turn, can be measured in the improvement of availability and accessibility of healthcare services, which is likely to generate significant health gain. For example in telecardiology the patient gets quicker diagnosis and treatment.
telemedicina , telekardiológia , térbeli hatás , hatásmechanizmus
Cserny Tibor, Alpek B. Levente (szerk.) Bányászat és környezet - harmóniában . Konferencia helye, ideje: Pécs, Magyarország , 2017.08.16 -2017.08.20. Pécs: Magyarhoni Földtani Társulat, 2017. pp. 82-85. (ISBN:978-963-8221-68-1)