Le programme LEADER en Hongrie, un pilotage de l'action publique sous contrôle
Póla, Péter
Chevalier, Pascal
Maurel, Marie-Claude
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One of the LEADER program objectives is to improve the governance of rural areas, through a bottom-up approach to local development. The conditions for its implementation in the Hungarian institutional context are they likely to promote citizen participation in collective action and strengthen the functioning of local democracy? Defined and formulated at European level, the LEADER approach is incorporated into the National Rural Development Program and Strategy «New Hungary» and implemented by the agency for agriculture and rural development under the Ministry of the same name. From empirical research in the GAL Zengő-Duna, Southern Transdanubia, structuring of local action groups is addressed through the composition of partnerships and analysis of networks of actors. Local elected officials are central to both their involvement in partnerships by the reputation they enjoy. The positioning of several mayors on local consultation stage reveals the exercise of genuine political leadership. The mode of operation of the LEADER axis indicates that the local political leadership has seized a development model in which it essentially sees a leveling instrument of public facilities and services and a source of legitimacy of his action.
LEADER Program - Magyarország , vidékfejlesztés , helyi fejlesztés
Bulletin de la Société Géographique de Liége 64: pp. 41-55 (2015)