Practical experiences, regulatory principles and issues of the territorial delimitation of development policy in Hungary
Finta, István
Dombi, Péter
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Both at national and EU level, the differentiation of specific territorial units is a key issue in development policy. The objective of the delimitation at the highest legal level is to mitigate territorial differences; it is intended to provide support for the delimited (beneficiary) territorial units. Benefits (e.g. the rate and intensity of support) are fundamentally influenced by development and growth opportunities, so the methods and the results of delimitation are both politically and professionally sensitive. This is particularly important for rural areas and rural development, because the beneficiaries' delimitation – or lack thereof – is most affected by these regions. Hungary has been operating and developing a delimitation system since the '90s, the elements of which are at community level can serve as a model, and can be well-utilized. For this purpose, the paper presents the regulatory starting points and principles of spatial delimitation, the statistical methods used so far, the range of data used, and the problems that can be associated with the methods and data used so far. The authors propose a data set and a calculation method that more faithfully reflects the real situation of territorial development, which would enable development resources to better contribute to reducing territorial disparities.
hátrányos helyzetű térségek , fejlesztéspolitika , lehatárolás , vidékfejlesztés , kedvezményezett térségek , vidékfejlesztés - Magyarország
DETUROPE: Central European Journal of Tourism and Regional Development 13:(2) pp. 101-124. (2021)