Europe divided? Can Warsaw become the regional leader of the Central and Eastern European region?
Gál, Zoltán
Schmidt, Andrea
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This paper investigates the long-term problems of capital accumulation in the context of centre and periphery and dependency models, the systemic and geoeconomic features of the integration of post-socialist transition countries in the context of dependent market economy (DME) model characterized by high dependency on foreign direct investment channelled by foreign MNCs into the CEE and the restructuring of the centres in Central and Eastern Europe. It argues that the global economic crisis has been exposed the systemic vulnerability of the post-socialist neo-liberal transition model characterized by foreign investment-led growth which is failed to generate domestic capital accumulation and decrease the relative development gap between the ‘old’ and ‘new’ EU
members. We would like to use the principles of geoeconomics in order to analyse the Central and Eastern European region and the role of the Foregin Direct Investment and its special role in financial sector in transformation and the question of the problem of Central and Eastern European financial centres focusing on the position of Warsaw.
külföldi tőkebefektetések , Közép-Európa , regionális központok - Közép-Európa , geoökonómia , pénzügyi központ , Varsó
Politeja 51: (6) pp. 235-260. (2017)