Az állami beavatkozások lakáspiaci és területi hatásai a lakásszektorban
Nagy, Gábor
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The real estate sector has been one of the most sensitive and dynamic segments of the economy in post-transition Hungary. the development trends in the sector have been influenced greatly by the sectoral and overall economic and social policy of the central government. the importance of investigating the development, challenges, and changes in this sector was motivated by the high level of real estate ownership, and the share of houses/flats in families’ overall properties.In the last few years we have tried to understand the background of regional inequalities and divergent development trends in
hungary on different geographical scales (Pósfai Zs. – Nagy G. 2017). In this paper we try to focus on a special relationship, namely the role of central government in forming development possibilities, and with this also some of the social and spatial consequences of the changing role of the state in the post-socialist period, both before and after the global crisis. Generally we can conclude that the role of a settlement in the real estate market is determined by its position in the settlement hierarchy and spatial location. In the later sections we try to argue that the effects of state interventions in the activity of the real estate sector were variable and/ or different degree in space, influencing the possible modes for the development of localities.
lakáspiac , lakáspolitika , területi hatások , ingatlanpiac , területi folyamatok , ingatlanpiac - Magyarország
Földrajzi Közlemények 141: (3) pp. 235-245. (2017)