Kompaktsági mutatók használata a társadalomföldrajzi kutatásokban
Kovalcsik, Tamás
Vida, György
Dudás, Gábor
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Debreceni Egyetemi Kiadó
The aim of our study is to demonstrate the applicability of shape analysis in social geographic research based on compactness indicators. In the research we found that the most appropriate administrative level considering compactness is the county level and the most compact region is Southern Transdanubia. Our results also highlighted that the most compact settlements can be found on the Southern Great Plain, while the least compacts are the settlements of the South Transdanubia. Moreover, the study also revealed that the selected compactness indices can be used to compare geographic forms of spatial objects. Nevertheless, the counting method can influence the value of the compactness indicator. Therefore, it is worth examining the shape of the spatial objects by several methods.
GIS , társadalomföldrajz , kompaktság , térbeli szerkezet , térkitöltés , térbeli alakzatok
Molnár Vanda (szerk.) Az elmélet és a gyakorlat találkozása a térinformatikában IX. : Theory meets practice in GIS. Debrecen : Debreceni Egyetemi Kiadó, 2018. pp. 187-194. (ISBN: 978-963-318-723-4)