Remediation of Veliki bački kanal and sustainable use of resources in its surroundings

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Nagy, Imre
Stojanović, Vladimir
Pantelić, Milana
Pavić, Dragoslav
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Veliki bački kanal is one of the most polluted watercourses in Serbia and it is frequently the central topic of the analysis of huge ecological issues in Serbia. It was dug at the turn of the 19th century with the main purpose to drain the wetland areas in central Bačka and to enhance economic growth of the settlements that had been colonized several times during the 18th century. Although it is being studied mostly from environment protection perspective at present, it has been changing the features of the landscape and the environment in this area. The issue of intensive pollution, predominantly from food industry, has been increasing since the second half of the 20th century. This type of pollution completely diminished the canal functions planned by the project designers. Current and future canal functions are: drainage and flood protection, irrigation, water supply, wastewater recipient, canal traffic, fish farming, tourism (recreation) and nature protection. Remediation is crucial and fundamental prerequisite for sustainable use or Veliki bački kanal resources.
Nagy Bácska csatorna , fenntartható fejlődés , vízszennyezés , környezetvédelem , természetvédelem , tájvédelem
Gegraphica Pannonica 18:(4) pp. 117-123. (2014)