Optimization model for biogas power plant feedstock mixture considering feedstock and transportation costs using a differential evolution algorithm

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Topić, Danijel
Barukčić, Marinko
Mandžukić, Dražen
Mezei, Cecília
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n this paper, an optimization model for biogas power plant feedstock mixture with respect to feedstock and transportation costs using a differential evolution algorithm (DEA) is presented. A mathematical model and an optimization problem are presented. The proposed model introduces an optimal mixture of different feedstock combinations in a biogas power plant and informs about the maximal transportation distance for each feedstock before being unprofitable. In the case study, the proposed model is applied to five most commonly used feedstock in biogas power plants in Croatia and Hungary. The research is performed for a situation when the biogas power plant is not owned by the farm owner but by a third party. An optimization procedure is performed for each scenario with a cost of methane production that does not exceed 0.75 EUR/m3 in 1 MWe biogas power plant. The results show the needed yearly amounts and the maximum transportation distance of each feedstock.
biogáz erőművek , megújuló energiaforrás , zöldenergia , szállítási költségek , modellezés
Energies 13:(1610) pp. 1-24. (2020)