A synthesising approach on Europeanisation

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Grünhut, Zoltán
Bodor, Ákos
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The current study offers a comprehensive approach for the better theoretical and empirical understanding of the notion of Europeanisation. For this purpose, it establishes a working definition which is the initial step of conceptualisation. The study interprets the research of Europeanisation from an institutional approach, building on the work of Douglass C. North and other authors who heavily relied on his findings. Thus the paper attempts to provide an overview of the concept, functions and types of institutions as well as the theories of the interactions between the different categories. The study identifies the research problem and basic question from the point of view of institutional change, drawing a parallel between these processes and the phenomenon of Europeanisation. The second part of the paper presents a model which contributes to the epistemological understanding of Europeanisation, and through that to the ontological concretisation of the concept.
europanizáció , intézményi modell , intézményi változás
Europolis 10:(1) pp. 31-50. (2016)