A pénzügyi piacok földrajzi dimenziói: A pénzügyi földrajz frontvonalai és vizsgálati területei

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Gál, Zoltán
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The combination of financial and geographical analyses is a new and promising trait in the literature of geography. the paper gives an overview on the birth of financial geography as an established subdiscipline of earth Sciences and introduces the main topical issues in financial geographical research. it highlights the decisive role of geographical distance in accessing soft and confidential information and shows that, by the same token, from greater distances only hard and public information is accessible. therefore non-standardised information with tacit knowledge continues to be concentrated in a few centres. the value of the information generated there decreases by distance. the paper examines the main factors of spatial concentration and deconcentration (dispersions) of financial markets. It argues, that the fragmentation involved in the trans-nationalisation of financial activities does not affect the controlling-power positions of traditional financial centres. the last part of the paper examines the role of the spatial distribution of financial institutions in geographical disparities and their role in economic development. The paper argues that, the integrative nature of financial geography contributes to overcome the previous shortcomings in disciplinary and methodological limitations in financial market related research. financial geography is able to resolve the two most important contradictory features of financial globalisation, namely its relativising effect on geographical distance, on the one hand, and the growing importance of geographical effects on financial markets and their agglomeration, on the other.
pénzügyi földrajz , pénzintézet , gazdaságfejlesztés , dekoncentráció , pénzügyi piacok
Földrajzi Közlemények 138: (3) pp. 181-196. (2014)