Farewell to decentralisation: The Hungarian story and its general implications
Pálné Kovács, Ilona
Bodor, Ákos
Finta, István
Grünhut, Zoltán
Zongor, Gábor
Kacziba, Péter
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The paper is based on research project launched in 2012. The objective was to analyse, from political perspective, the main factors and circumstances of the process of territorial governance reform attempts before 2010 and the turning point after starting a strongly centralised model. The focus of the research was not so much on the objectives of the reforms, but rather on the context and the actors of the reform processes. It was presumed that the defeat of decentralisation could be explained by the weakness of the actors to preserve the formerly strong position of local governments. The research hypothesised that, following the transition years, the gradually fading enthusiasm of parliamentary and party-political elites contributed to the failures of correctional reforms and to the limitation of institutional guarantees for safeguarding the interests of local governments.
területi közigazgatás , területi közigazgatás - Magyarország , decentralizáció , területi igazgatás , önkormányzatok - Magyarország , közigazgatási reform , közigazgatás - Magyarország , centralizáció
Croatian and Comparative Public Administration 16:(4) pp. 789-816. (2017)