Situation of Hungarian geography in the early twenty-first century

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Farkas, Jenő Zsolt
Hoyk, Edit
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From time to time papers dealing with the place of geography on the current map of science, with the justification of its existence – reciting links to the practical life – are published in the Hungarian and international scientific literature. In our opinion, according to the literature and the native situation, the recession of the importance of geography is worldwide. That is why it is worthwhile to survey the related Saxon scientific literature from the last years, to analyse the possible development potentials in regarding of the survival of geography and geographic idea. The goal is to come forward with suggestions concerning the future of geography – independently from the affected field (physical or human geography) – by installing these ideas into the native institutional system, and to the scientific and sector-specific structure.
földrajztudomány - Magyarország , természetföldrajz - Magyarország , társadalomföldrajz - Magyarország , földrajzoktatás , társadalom , földrajzoktatás - Magyarország
Central European Regional Policy and Human Geography 2:(2) pp. 37-47. (2012)