Az ipar versenyképességi tényezőinek átalakulása a közép-európai gazdaságokban

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Lux, Gábor
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The competitiveness of Central European countries is characterised by the regional separation of industrial and tertiary forms of competitiveness. While capital cities and their agglomerations, as well as a few major urban centres with strong international functions are dominated by advanced business services, the spaces of minor cities and medium-sized towns are more strongly affected by the development of industry. Local and regional industrial competitiveness, which has strong linkages to the location choices of Foreign Direct Investment, had formerly been characterised by the strong role of general, quantitative factors such as the macroeconomic environment, national labour costs or access to domestic markets. In recent years, we could observe the rising significance of qualitative factors – skilled labour, local institutional milieus or access to emerging industrial clusters – which show not only stronger territorial embeddedness, but also the increasing significance of location advantage as collections of multiple competitiveness factors. This paper highlights on-going restructuring processes, the relevance of the institutional environment, as well as the possibilities of development policy.
ipar , versenyképesség , Kelet-Közép-Európa
Közép-Európai Közlemények 5:(12-13) pp. 195-200. (2013)