Soil pollution in the Hungarian-Romanian border region (Valley of Körös-Cris rivers)

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Nagy, Imre
Duray, Balázs
Andres, Ladislau
Milošević, Dragan D.
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The investigation assessed and evaluated the soil polluting activities in 30 Romanian and Hungarian settlements in the region of the Double, Black and White Körös-Cris Rivers. Pb concentrations are mainly higher than the limit values with maximum values registered in the area of landfill and near the roads. The concentration of Cu and Zn in soils of the region is below the alarming values. In some places Cd levels in soils reached the alert threshold. Plant samples mostly do not contain higher than permitted levels of heavy metals. One of the main goals of the study is to contribute to the future sustainable use of the environment and conservation actions in the region in order to implement regional development policy. We must therefore address the social activities that involve a risk of soil pollution in the region, especially in the Körös-Cris Valley. Science-based assessment of the level of pollution can lead to the development of implementing procedures to reduce the impact of these activities. The most important result of the quality and quantity analysis of polluting activities in the region is territorial definition of soil heavy metal load.
Körös (folyó) , talajszennyezés , környezetvédelem , területhasználat , területfejlesztés
Carpathian Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences 10:(3) pp. 207-216. (2015)