Folyóiratcikkek - idegen nyelvű (SZE RGDI)

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    Development processes of regional centres in Central and Southeast Europe - From state socialism to dependent market economies
    (2019) Rácz, Szilárd
    The background of the current research is that despite the existence of a vast amount of literature devoted to the study of post-socialist transition processes, there is a relative scarcity of international comparative analyses on Central and Southeast European metropolises. The research seeks to explore FDI-driven transformation and development processes in Central and Southeast European regional centres in the posttransition period. The geographical focus of the analysis is limited to Central and Southeast European postsocialist states, while the scale of the analysis targets the metropolitan and regional level. The present study provides a brief summary of the first phase of the research constituted by literature review.
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    Measurement levels of spatial integration – Suggestions for a Central-European factor group
    (2015) Uszkai, Andrea
    The objective of the study is to point out, what kind of measurement methodologies and factor groups are used to determinate the depth of the spatial integration in the national and international scientific literature. Integration means in this sense the interconnection of several (spatial) units (Kulcsár-Rostás, 1989