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    The features of the good and bad functioning closed inner courtyards – trough a Hungarian example
    (2015) Jóna, László
    The UN in the World Urbanization Prospects The Revision 2014 titled report calls attention that the a growing part of the world’s population lives in cities. And this trend is also true to those countries which population is decreasing. Because in spite of all this more and more people moving to the cities. Therefore the cities of the future will have to face significant demographic and sociological problems. Due to this the role of the public spaces will be more prominent than currently. Because the public spaces are those areas where in the cities living people independently from gender, age, religion, qualification, etc. could meet with each other. However the sizes of the public spaces resulting from their nature are bounded, therefore in the case of the cities the alternative routes providing possibilities for their expansion. Such an alternative route could be functioning the buildings with inner courtyard. Because the inner courtyards similar to the squares could have street furniture or playgrounds. But stores or restaurants also could operate inside there, as around the larger urban squares. However it raises the question that this is true in any cases to the inner courtyards? Or which criteria must be taken into account that an inner courtyard will be used by the pedestrians? Is it count at all, that where is located such a courtyard in the city? This study I’m looking for the answers to these questions through the example of two inner courtyards located in the downtown of Győr. During my research I have made traffic count in both courtyards and with the VISSIM program pedestrian simulations. From the results clearly turned out, that the traffic of the inner courtyards depends not only from their size, but their location in the city, from the traffic of the surrounding public spaces, and the there located stores, functions, and street furniture also.