The Evolution of Passenger Car Production and Its Impact on Urban Development in South-Eastern Europe

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Hardi, Tamás
Miklósné Zakar, Andrea
Mladenov, Chavdar
Kazakov, Boris
Nagy, Imre
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Universitas-Győr Nonprofit Kft.
The current study investigates the vehicle industry of former South-eastern European socialist states (Serbia, Romania and Bulgaria) in order to determine the role of its sector in the evolution of industrial areas of the macro-region before and following the regime change. For the purpose of this objective, the study seeks to detect where and under what circumstances the vehicle industry emerged and where its main centres are located. These centres can be called traditional in certain cases as their establishment dates back to the beginning of the 20th century, in other cases they were created to ensure motor vehicle supply during the second half of the 20th century. The various development paths of passenger car manufacturing will be compared in the three countries along with the specifics of cities hosting this industry
autóipar , Délkelet-Európa , járműipar
Somlyódyné Pfeil E (szerk.) Industrial Districts and Cities in Central Europe. Győr: Universitas-Győr Nonprofit Kft., 2014. pp. 89-108. (Monographies of the "Győr Automotive Industrial District as the new trend and means of spatial development"; 6.) (ISBN:978-615-5298-43-1)