Environmental Cohesion in Eastern and Central Europe: The Importance of Governance and Management

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Varjú, Viktor
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Editura Risoprint
One important aspect of European Regional Policy is cohesion. Territorial cohesion as a complement for economic and social cohesion is supposed to moderate imbalances. Environmental cohesion is a tool to achieve sustainable development in practice. It is essential that in order to measure the success of sustainability/environmental cohesion we have to take into consideration soft elements that influence an environment protection oriented activity. The most important of them is governance and the management. The paper focuses on the implementation of strategic environmental assessment (SEA) and Cohesion Funds in environmental related investments in CEE countries. Based on international and OTKA researches, the paper concludes by arguing that in order to achierve a successful integrative environmental cohesion, de-bureaucratised institutional system, permanently remaining capacity building and proper strategic planning are needed.
kormányzás , környezetvédelem , kohézió , stratégiai környezetvédemi értékelés
Bíró B. J (szerk.) International Conference Natura-Econ 4: Environmental Dynamics under the Impact of Economic Trends - Realities and Perspectives : Conference Proceedings. Konferencia helye, ideje: Sepsiszentgyörgy, Románia, 2014.03.07 Kolozsvár: Editura Risoprint, 2014. pp. 117-125.