Renewable energy support schemes - for environment and/or for investors?
Varjú, Viktor
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J. J. Strossmayer University of Osijek
In The EU2030 goal includes the increase of renewable energy share to at least of 27% of the EU's energy consumption. Renewables, especially photovoltaic energy investments and use became very popular in the last few years. New technologies and solution can contribute to an increasing development in renewable energy. However, there are societal factors that can influence this process. In order to achieve renewable goals governments started to support green electricity that caused huge boom in installed capacity in some central European countries. However, this increase causes negative effects, overuse of subsidies and the cut-back of supporting systems as states could not maintain this high level of support. Using the results of policy documents, development strategies, the author concludes by arguing that the key motivations of investing renewables are differs state by state, influenced by central government, but mainly depending on local stakeholders (mainly based on economic interests and using sustainability as a slogan, not reason). In order to find an ideal-typical supporting system we have to take into consideration not only economic but societal peculiarities as well.
megújuló energiaforrás , energiapolitika , támogatások , kormányzás
Raos P (szerk.) Zbornik radova proceedings : PLIN 2015: 13th Natural Gas, Heat and Water Conference : 6th International Natural Gas, Heat and Water Conference. Konferencia helye, ideje: Osijek, Horvátország, 2015.09.23-2015.09.25. Osijek: J. J. Strossmayer University of Osijek, 2015. pp. 193-202.