Role of rain gardens in stormwater management (Kecskemét, Hungary)

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Hoyk, Edit
Szórát, Krisztián
Farkas, Jenő Zsolt
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Biotehniški center, Naklo
Today, urban climate adaptation is unthinkable without green and blue infrastructure. This includes the development of an urban stormwater management system, one element of which is rain garden. In our work, we investigated the potential of rain gardens in Kecskemét, one of Hungary’s most populous cities, which is particularly vulnerable to drought. These low impact developments can help to effectively counter the negative effects of climate change, such as urban flash floods. We have developed an experimental rain garden which can collect rainwater from the roof of a family house. We planted it with some plants with different tolerances to prevent run-off. We also selected a critical point in the city of Kecskemét, where flash flooding during heavy rainfall is a problem. We examined the possibility of converting available green spaces into rain gardens to retain rainwater collected at the lowest point of the area as efficiently as possible. To do this, we used the QGIS (Quantum Geographic Information System) to analyze the different sectors, the topography and slope, and the typical runoff direction. The aim of our study was to determine how much amount of the rainfall could be retained and stored temporarily by converting the green areas of the sample area into rain gardens.
éghajlatváltozás , adaptáció , Kecskemét , városökológia , esőkert
Pogorelec, Andrej; Zorman, Tina; Zupančič, Andreja; Grčar, Manca (szerk.) Konferenca Vivus: Zdravo okolje - naša prihodnost = Vivus Conference: Healthy Environment - Our Future 8. mednarodna konferenca s področja kmetijstva in podeželja, naravovarstva, hortikulture in floristike ter živilstva in prehrane : 8. mednarodna konferenca s področja kmetijstva in podeželja, naravovarstva, hortikulture in floristike ter živilstva in prehrane = 8th International Conference on Agriculture and Countryside, Environmentalism, Horticulture, Floristics, Food Production and Processing and Nutrition Naklo, Szlovénia : Biotehniški center, Naklo (2024) pp. 150-155.