Industrial districts: Building blocks of the organised economy
Lux, Gábor
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Universitas-Győr Nonprofit Kft.
This chapter provides a comprehensive summary of contemporary transformation processes experienced by industrial districts. It is proposed that, along with other concepts of concentrated development, their recent popularity owes itself to global competitive pressures, and a need for regions in advanced economies to embark on high-road growth paths to withstand cost-based competition and maintain the status quo. Industrial districts whose understanding in literature has evolved over two decades to encompass the role of institutions and endogenous innovation capability are well positioned to take advantage of conditions in the knowledge economy, and are best seen as frameworks of dynamic adaptation. This is contrasted with new challenges brought about by the market entry of transnational corporations and institutional consolidation within the iconic North Italian districts, which results in divergent paths of adaptation leading to restructuring or dissolution. Finally, the chapter examines whether the district concept can be adapted to the development needs of Europe's socio-economic peripheries, and proposes policy lessons which can be applied to the restructuring of post-socialist industrial economic space.
ipari körzet , újraiparosítás , globalizáció , tudásalapú gazdaság
Somlyódyné Pfeil E (szerk.) Industrial Districts and Cities in Central Europe. Győr: Universitas-Győr Nonprofit Kft., 2014. pp. 27-45. (Monographies of the Győr Automotive Industrial District as the new trend and means of spatial development; 6.) (ISBN:978-615-5298-43-1)